My blog posts will rarely be as frequent as they are now at the beginning of my year here, but everything is new and exciting and certainly seems post worthy. I wasn't planning on posting today, but the view from the balcony of my apartment building has changed my mind.
One of the biggest differences between Fair Play, my hometown in South Carolina, and Beirut is the scenery. While Fair Play is beautiful, rolling hills, green pastures, and backdrop of the Blue Ridge Mountains, (Mmm, I love it in Fair Play) it cannot compare to the view of the seaside city of Beirut that I can see from my bedroom window. What an incredible place to live. And can we just stop a minute and give credit to the Creator for His amazing creativity. Fair Play, SC, Beirut, Lebanon. Both so different, both so wonderful.
I've never lived in a city before. It is certainly different from small town life. Beirut is different from most US cities though, in that people are never in a hurry. There is not the hustle and bustle you expect from city life, but that's a whole another blog post (coming soon).