Driving in Beirut is insane. Recently, speed limits were put into place, but they are not enforced or followed, neither are traffic lights, or the use of seat belts. Red lights are more of a suggestion here. To drive in Beirut you have to be a very aggressive driver. Most of the streets are not divided by lanes so people drive all over the road and pass whenever they can.
While driving here seems chaotic it is actually pretty impressive. Even without all of the driving laws we have in America there are very few accidents. The people here are excellent drivers, very attentive, and can stop in a second.
Here's a video that shows an intersection in Beirut. You can see that the lanes are not marked and people aren't following any kind of traffic signs, but still no accidents. This is really what it's like all over the city! (And usually people are crossing the street too.)
I have been wanting to write about the driving in Beirut for a while now. Now seemed like the right time because it is starting to directly affect my well-being.
First let me start by saying. The Cupcakery (an incredible amazing bakery around the corner from where I live) sells the greatest cupcakes in the entire world! Last week I got a mint chocolate one with peanut butter inside. Attempting to cross the road, I stepped into the street with my cupcake. The second I stepped off the curb the taxi parked there started to back up... right onto my foot. It knocked me down and stopped there on my foot. Most taxi drivers here do not speak any English so I started banging the side of the car and screaming "You're on my foot!" I gathered a little crowd from the screaming and the driver finally realized what was happening and pulled forward. I was fine and the worst part was that I dropped my cupcake. :(
While driving here seems chaotic it is actually pretty impressive. Even without all of the driving laws we have in America there are very few accidents. The people here are excellent drivers, very attentive, and can stop in a second.
Here's a video that shows an intersection in Beirut. You can see that the lanes are not marked and people aren't following any kind of traffic signs, but still no accidents. This is really what it's like all over the city! (And usually people are crossing the street too.)
I have been wanting to write about the driving in Beirut for a while now. Now seemed like the right time because it is starting to directly affect my well-being.
First let me start by saying. The Cupcakery (an incredible amazing bakery around the corner from where I live) sells the greatest cupcakes in the entire world! Last week I got a mint chocolate one with peanut butter inside. Attempting to cross the road, I stepped into the street with my cupcake. The second I stepped off the curb the taxi parked there started to back up... right onto my foot. It knocked me down and stopped there on my foot. Most taxi drivers here do not speak any English so I started banging the side of the car and screaming "You're on my foot!" I gathered a little crowd from the screaming and the driver finally realized what was happening and pulled forward. I was fine and the worst part was that I dropped my cupcake. :(