
Sunday, May 12, 2013

10 Things I've Learned About America Since Moving to Beirut

10. American hummus is really gross.
9. You cannot trust American media.
8. Traffic lights and speed limits really are a good thing.
7. Even though America is a bully sometimes, I always feel the need to defend her. #landthatilove (can you hashtag in a blog post, ma barif)
6. Cereal is so cheap in America. I remember when I was little, it was a treat to splurge and pay $4 for the good cereal. Last week I paid $11 for a box of Lucky Charms (I was desperate!).
5. I still can't figure out why the fried mozzarella burger hasn't made it to the States yet.
4. Apparently American girls are very low maintenance. A friend explained to me a few days ago that he wanted to marry an American because Lebanese girls are too needy. He said, "Lebanese girls are too high maintenance. They expect you to have your own house and they want you to buy them a scarf every now and then." Haha. Oh boys.
3. Also American girls don't dress very well. A girl here told me once, "I wish I could be more like you Americans and not care what I wear or how I look." Umm, thank you.
2. We are really blessed in America to have a government that for the most part works to protect the rights of its people.
1. America is REALLY big. I guess I've always known this but it really stands out when you live in a country that's smaller than half of South Carolina. It also makes it hard to answer questions like "What's the weather like in America?" or "What? You've never been to New York?"